Guest Writer: Louie :)
Well hello everyone. I am honored to be guest blogger on Liz's very popular blog. I have been asked to write about our trip up to this point. So here it goes.
I arrived in PV on Saturday, after a night of no sleep. You see, I have heard nothing but warnings about kidnappings, shoot outs, and blood thirsty drug cartels. So my nerves had been a bit on the fritz leading up to my departure. However, thus far we have encountered nothing of the sort, although a small part of me was hoping for a wee car chase or two. But I digress.
After spending our first night in PV, we hit the road early on Sunday morning. I was really excited to hit the road mostly because the car we rented was manual transmission (I love manual transmission) and partly because I was expecting a Roadwarrior type senario on the highway. Roadwarrior has yet to happen, but driving is still a lot of fun.
The scenery was gorgeous as we drove up through the mountains. Thankfully we did not have to drive along cliffs as I had originally thought we would. We did stop briefly to take in a scenic overlook, which for some reason smelled like fish.
Fishy Overlook |
Tequila Lunch |
Our first stop was Tequila (The town, not the drink). When we got off of the highway along the road leading us up to the town, there were very large billboards shaped like tequila bottles, so we were certain we were headed in the right direction. The town made me think of Hershey, Pennsylvania as that where ever the could, they had agave plants: built into fences, handrails, etc. The town was quite cool; however, should you ever decide to make a visit, try not to do it on a Sunday as most of the town is closed down. After having lunch and the obligatory margarita, we hit the road toward Guadalajara.
Mandatory Margarita |
In under an hour we were in the city limits, at this point I really started wishing we had a gps, because among Liz's many and varied talents, navigation would not be counted among them. However we still made it to our lovely hostel.
Centro Historico |
The very next day we went out to explore Centro Historico (our neighborhood). We saw many beautiful old buildings, including a Cathedral, The Government Palace, and theater. The true highlight of the day was our visit to the Wax Museum and The Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum. The Wax museum was quite fun and somewhat educational; it was filled with famous Mexicans and Politicians, as well as a few American celebs. The Ripley's Museum was quite fun. I kept getting tricked by this little boy in front of us, he was laughing so hard he may have peed his pants....serves him right.
Michael Jackson |
Don't Mess with Wax Superman!! |
Lunch in Tlaquepaque |
Today we hopped on the bus to a suburb named Tlaquepaque, which is the center of art for the Guadalajara area. The town was right out of a Mexican movie set. One thing I love about this part of Mexico is that where ever they can put a gazebo, they have one. Tlaquepaque had some of the coolest art galleries I have ever seen. I fell in love with the art galleries much more than my travelling partner who was done with them by about the 3rd one. We also had one of the most delicious/expensive meals to date here, but well worth it.
Tlaquepaque Town Center |
Tomorrow we hit the road again to San Miguel. Keeping my fingers crossed for a car chase.