Friday, March 16, 2012

I am not very good at Spanish.

So I am officially halfway finished with my spanish courses, and I am just not very good at Spanish!!  Sure, there are plenty of things that I am not very good at.....sports, trivia, sports trivia, etc.  But I have always been really good at school.  And I hate not being very good in my Spanish classes.  Now don't get me wrong, I am a model student.  I come to class every day, on time, and with my homework completed.  I don't just do my written homework exercises in the evenings, I actually study words and make sure that I understand all of the sentences.  I have made hundreds of flashcards for vocabulary words.  And I make poor Louie listen to me read aloud in Spanish almost every night (thanks honey!).  So it is not as if I am not trying my best.  But during class, I feel like I am doing fine and understanding the teacher...until she actually asks me a direct questions.  Then I get nervous, forget every spanish word I ever learned, and stare blankly at the teacher for like 30 seconds until I remember how to say "como?"  And I consistently get C's on my exams.  And did I mention that these are take-home exams?? 
Lots of flashcards!
I am looking on the bright side though.  If nothing else, I am at least developing a whole new understanding of my own students' behaviors.  I am going to be a much better teaching when I get back to Chicago.  Every teacher should be required to study a subject that is difficult for them every couple of years because I think that we really do forget what it was like to be a student.  It is sort of ironic that I am a special education teacher, when I, in fact, have never struggled with a school subject in my life (until now).  So this is definitely a great experience for me in that regard. 
My old classmates (who all spoke better spanish than me!) and our teacher Jovanny.
And I am getting better.  I actually got a 100% on my exam today.  I was super excited since my previous high score was an 89% (my lowest score was a 73% my first week....not good!).  I notice that I am able to read signs in spanish automatically now, without even thinking.  And I am starting to be able to converse with people without thinking too much...but I still have a loooonnnng way to go!!  I started volunteering at a kindergarten this week, and that will really help my spanish since neither the kids or the teacher speak english.  And the kids speak so fast too!!  It's a lot of fun though. my official halfway point, I am optimistic :)

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