Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween, Volcanos, and Lots of Books!!

Making Paper Jack-O-Lanterns
It’s been a very fun week so far at Good Hope!  Monday was Halloween, and I was sad to find out that nobody celebrates here!  I wasn’t able to locate a single pumpkin!  But a person can always find candy!  Also, in the many school supplies that were donated, I was able to find orange and black construction paper, scissors, and glue to make our own improvised jack-o-lanterns!  The kids had a great time, and they turned out very cute (although all extremely similar to my example since that is pretty much the only one the kids had ever seen!).  And of course, they enjoyed their candy.  What kid doesn’t love Halloween?
When my friend Sally was here a few weeks ago, she started a volcano project which I finally got around to finishing up for her today!  Since baking soda was not to be found anywhere in Arusha, we had to do an eruption substitute….coke and m&m’s!  The eruption was a bit weak, but honestly, I was surprised that that combination even worked at all.  The kids still enjoyed it, although I think they were wishing that I would have brought extra coke and m&m’s for a snack J
The one thing that I really wanted to bring this year was a new book for every student at the school.  Books are relatively expensive here.  The school itself has very few book, and almost none of the children have books at home.  So before I left, my mom, dad, and sister Kellie teamed up to buy over 100 picture books for the kids at Good Hope!  I have been waiting to pass them out just in case my mom had a last minute change of heart and decided to visit to pass them out herself.  I have been very excited myself to pass them out because I know how much the children love books, and they did not disappoint me!  They were so excited to get to choose whichever book they wanted (and I really had to limit trading because they loved them all!), and kids were coming up to me for the rest of the day thanking me.  There were even kids who brought their books outside for recess to continue reading!
Choosing Carefully
Reading :)
More Reading!

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